“Anybody who knows me knows how much I fear heights and water. It’s a terrifying feeling I could never shake. However, when I traveled to South Africa to spend the summer at Stellenbosch, Western Cape, I challenged myself to face my deepest fears and overcome them.

I must admit, it was tremendously hard and scary. But when I started to climb my first mountain ever, I knew that I must succeed. There were plenty of times I wanted to quit. I was winded, tired, hungry and thirsty. But I pressed on. With my cohorts encouraging me to keep going, I did just that, and finally, I reached the top.

What an awesome sensation. I conquered one of my biggest fears. I climbedStellenbosch Mountain and to boot, a few weeks later I scaled the famedTable Mountain and conquered that too! For an added boost, I went canoeing!

I consider myself fearless because I faced my fears and overcome them both. I feel great! #fearless” ~ Christopher